Song Spirals – Dance Performance
Song Spirals is a new dance work in development by Rosealee Pearson that choreographically explores the crying of songlines (milkarri), referred to as song spirals in North East Arnhem Land.
Offering an experience of the ancient songs and dances (buŋgul) that act as a guide for Yolŋu people. This work is an interpretation of the groundbreaking book by the Gay’wu Women’s Group.
This event is part of Bundanon’s public program for current exhibition Miwatj Yolŋu – Sunrise People.
Miwatj Yolŋu – Sunrise People explores storytelling, ecology and materiality in the works of Yolŋu artists from the Yirrkala Community in East Arnhem Land. Presenting both senior and emerging artists from across the Yirrkala region, the exhibition highlights the centrality of weather patterns and ecological systems within Yolŋu culture.