A milestone for the community of Penrose, with the official opening of the new Penrose Village Hall.
Federal Member for Hume Angus Taylor joined the Governor-General of Australia His Excellency the Honourable David Hurley and Her Excellency Mrs Linda Hurley, Member for Goulburn Wendy Tuckerman and the Penrose community to mark the occasion.
This project was made possible thanks to $1.697 million in joint funding through Stage Two of the Bushfire Local Economic Recovery Fund, co-funded by the former Coalion and NSW Governments.
Further financial contributions also came from Wingecarribee Shire Council and the Veolia Mulwaree Trust.
Penrose along with several surrounding villages were badly impacted by the 2019/2020 Black Summer Bushfires but Mr Taylor said out of tragedy can come great things.
“It was a tough time, but what matters most in life is how you deal with difficult circumstances,” Mr. Taylor said.
“The villages in this area dealt with those circumstances in a way none of us could ever have imagined.
Mr Taylor also paid tribute to the outgoing Governor-General of Australia His Excellency the Honourable David Hurley and Her Excellency Mrs Linda Hurley.
“We are so lucky to have this facility which has been made possible thanks to the fantastic work of the local Penrose community,” Mr. Taylor said.